Constructing A Story from A to Z – A is for Apple

To the surprise of no one at all, the first word in the ALPHABLOCK book is apple. To that end, the first building block in my short story is the following sentence:

I saw an apple to my left and I wondered if Snow White could taste the danger in her fateful bite.

What’s going on here?

If you are wondering what the heck this post is about, I’d first like to say welcome to my blog and the A to Z Challenge for bloggers. The challenge asks bloggers to write a blog post every day in the month of April, excluding Sundays, blogging thematically from A to Z. I decided to dive in this year using the following writing challenge as my guide:

You start by coming up with a list of words, A-Z, for example: alligator, balloon, capital… Then once you have your list, come up with an original sentence using each word. Try to make them interesting and lengthy. You will end up with 26 original sentences. This is a good start, but if you want to do the full exercise, you must relate all the sentences together so they actually make a story. At the end you will have an original short story using words that start with every letter of the alphabet.

This is from the blog Connected Isolation.

My list of 26 words comes from my son’s book of letters, ALPHABLOCK by Christopher Franceschelli. By the end of the month I should have 26 sentences and the first draft of a short story.  In subsequent weeks/months I plan to revise and rewrite the story here on the blog showing my own revision process to anyone who is curious, as this is something I have been wishing to see other writers do even with silly little projects such as this one.

I am entrant #1058 on an enormous list of participants in the A to Z Challenge. To see the list to find other blogs to explore head to the official A to Z Challenge (2016) Sign Up List.

In the comments below:

Let me know what you think of my sentence of the day. (any edits or critiques?)

Do you have any predictions as to what this story might be about?


Write your best sentence using the word of the day!

13 thoughts on “Constructing A Story from A to Z – A is for Apple

  1. I love your sentence! I wondered what I might read when I arrived on your home page and saw A for Apple.

    Here’s my sentence about your word: “I felt like Eve being tempted by the apple when saw them serving my favorite dessert, because I knew I would do as she did”. 😉 Just speaking like a diabetic 😛 Thank you for visiting my blog, Nicole. Looking forward to keeping in touch – I have four blogs in the A to Z challenge this year!


    1. You know, I thought I recognized your name when I got to the diabetic blog! I must have visited one of your other blogs earlier this week!
      Best of luck!
      Your sentence is awesome!!


  2. I didn’t quite catch the Theme Reveal post now, did I? Sorry for that! *hides face*
    I really am going to stick around till the end of April, to read this brilliant 26-line story!
    A guess about the story- it’s in the POV of one of the seven dwarves?

    Hope you had a great first day!


    1. No worries about missing theme reveal – this is such a huge event with so many blogs, some have to slip through the cracks on some days.
      I love your theory about this sentence!


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